Wednesday 31 October 2012

4 Billion Dollars? Imagine all the pussy Jon could buy

The crude title is because it's Halloween and I'm a cranky witch living in accommodation where I can't light candles. So Jon, feel my wrath.

Jon's going on about Lucas selling out to Disney after having an early career where he started out hating people with 'more business and no art'.

Let's get this straight, in certain terms it's completely correct to say that Disney is literally the devil itself when it comes to being a gigantic corporation that controls most of the media and enjoys that sweet, sweet sin of soulless greed. However, Disney has pumped out a lot of art in the last few decades. Maybe Jon just didn't notice because he's too busy resenting anything remotely feminine and aimed at girls. Then again, maybe I'm wrong, maybe Disney has never produced anything of artistic merit.

It's not like Disney ever created something with an epic soundtrack as well as stunning visual effects.

Disney is just so heartless and I can't think of even a single thing that bloody company did that was ever artistic or conveyed emotion in a realistic and moving manor.

Not to mention, I don't remember being taught anything from their movies. They're all so bland and obviously void of any kind of meaning.

You get my point. Though Star Wars is a far cry from some of these animated movies and Disney as a company isn't the perfect or most reputable name to sell your soul to, let's look at some of the facts. At least Jon got it right in saying that Lucas has the right to sell to the mouse. Lucas is getting on in years and he wanted to milk the last of his cash cow. Even though Jon doesn't go mad about Lucas selling out, I can see a little bit of nerd hatred going on and I can certainly see some stabbing comments in the process.

The problem being the fact that Jon would be exactly like this if his story idea was worth jack-shit. In fact, Jon sounds just like Lucas; not wanting to let 'Hollywood types' take control of his film because everything needs to be perfect, but eventually becoming more of a jack off than he is now because of all the power and control going to his head. The only thing is that Morgalla isn't and never will be as popular as Star Wars or Harry Potter or The Lord of the Rings. Why? Well you should know by now.

However, the example stands that Jon would go on a tirade if allowed to make a shitty film version of his book. He'd complain and complain, milk it for all it was worth whilst still being ignorant enough not to acknowledge what a tool he was being. Jon isn't an author or even a writer, mainly because writers tend to care a lot about the material they put out there and are constantly writing to review and improve. Jon is writing because he wants to be famous, he wants recognition and money. Granted, all writers want that but they usually have a point behind the things they're trying to write. They want their story to be different, to mean something and teach the reader a lesson.

Jon's book is his own wet fantasy come to life with no morals, lessons or even plot really standing behind it. The novel meanders around it's own point, gets confused as to what it wants to tell you and then just kind of shrugs it's shoulders and drops you off at the end. Thoroughly leaving you confused as to whether you started drinking at some point through the book, since that's usually the only way you end up that lost about what you're reading.

That kind of writer, or dabbler, just wants the money. I can probably tell you what Jon would spend his on. He'd donate a good deal to Mittens, like the good Republican ass wipe he is and then spend the rest of it trying to get laid. No really, I'd like to see him deny it. I'd be surprised if he hadn't already tried. This is Jon's future if he were to ever hit it big.

Happily marrying the supposed 'whores' and 'trailer trash' he so lovingly dubbed in his book. Why? Because Jon's morals aren't really there. They're nothing but hot air he likes to pretend he cares about but if he ever got the chance to throw them off he would.

Either that, or he'd go on one of those pathetic marriage strikes those MRA's like to do, as if it's an actual loss for women not to be able to marry them.

Jon can marry Morgalla, I mean, he's half way there with Jasper.

Or he can marry himself - either way, we women will survive.

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