Thursday 18 October 2012

Oh ye of little faith: Is humanity the bane of the Earth?

Jon doesn't think so.

Jon thinks you should fly that American flag loud and proud.

Fuck the thousands of Native's your country killed for something as common as land.

Fuck the fact that the white man has and still does disgusting things to minorities.

No, humanity is a blessed and sacred thing.

We've already discussed Jon's apparent affinity for humanity and relating being human with everything good in this world. Jon goes as far as to hate on the film Avatar because it shows humans in a negative light instead of a positive one. What Jon fails to mention is that the plot to his book is basically the same, except it's the humans being invaded rather than doing the invading.

Jon doesn't seem to think that humans are greedy enough to rob other planets of their materials in the future.

Wakey, wakey Jon. We're stealing resources right now from Native's all over the world.

If we can do it to our fellow humans, why not another species?

Because he's American damn it, and he'll be damned the day he lets a movie accurately represent what his ancestors did to those poor Native's all those years ago.

Yay American patriotism!

Jon's ridiculous optimism when it comes to humans is actually rather pathetic. Why? because he puts so much faith into humans being genuinely good hearted people and then he forgets that people like himself exist.

People who hate other genders for no particular reason.

People who deny the fact that they benefited from the downfall and exclusion of other races.

But most of all, people who just don't know when to admit they're wrong.


  1. I'm seriously shocked that he actually thinks that humans will suddenly stop being greedy, violent creatures in the future. Considering that over 2000 years ago we used to crucify people to trees or put them in an arena to see them fight to the death BECAUSE IT WAS ENTERTAINING, we may have changed our tactics over the years, but it STILL exists despite how "civilized" you think your civilization is. Genocide is still being committed, racism has yet to go away, misogyny and rape has been around FOREVER, children are still being abused IN AMERICA, BY AMERICAN PEOPLE, do I really need to go on?

    No, I really think I don't have to. Because I think it should be common fucking sense that 2000 years from now, the human race will STILL be hateful, STILL be violent, wars will STILL be waged, and I'm sure money, capitalism, and class struggle will ALWAYS play a central part in why that is. I don't see why it would be SO UNBELIEVABLE IN A SCIENCE FICTION FUTURE SETTING that people are now going to other planets to fuck them over too.

    1. Because this is Jon, and apparently he watched a few too many cartoons as a kid that convinced him that good vs evil is the underlying messages in life- and humans are always the good in this world.

  2. Yes, humans are always good in this world unless they are women, feminists, liberals, minorities, or attractive men.
